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Ms Dan Jiang Acu-Herb Consultant

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Cold, Flu and Infective diseases

Updated: Dec 19, 2018

Cold or Influenza is the commonest disease which is caused by virus. Cold, or Common Cold means that a virus is suffered by an individual person; Influenza means a severe virus is infected, in general, which is easy contagious in the population. Almost every one experiences to suffer from it. Since there is not a good enough drug to kill virus from conventional western medicine, so patient has to bear to heal naturally, or taking Paracetomol and other drugs which control some symptoms. If he or she can’t be self-healed who may develop to Tonsillitis, Chest infection, Pneumonia or other infective respiratory diseases, or possible develop into a complication. Actually, there are many herbs and herbal formulae which are able to kill virus effetely. So either you, or your children suffers from virus, you should accept some herbs to kill virus and make a severe respiratory diseases and other complications prevent.

Case study: Case1: A Cold is cured completely with herbs Ms J L who is 43 years old of photographer manifests fever, shivery, headache, aching in general, sore throat and cough for over a week. She went to see GP who was talked to suffer from a virus infection and suggested to take paracetamol and anti-inflammatory drugs. She wasn’t better after she took above drugs, so she saw Dr Jiang for accepting herbal medicine. She was found redness and swelling throat, tonsils and glands under of chins, 38.8 degree of her temperature, but clear in her chest. Dr Jiang also diagnosed a virus infection with her from conventional western medicine and the wind-heat invasion on the exterior from TCM, so a course of anti-virus herb in a decoction form was given to her for 5 days. She reduced her temperature, sore throat and general aching in the next days after she drunk this herbal juice. All of symptoms have gone in 3-4 days. She is going to see Dr Jiang for herbal treatment later on, if she suffers from any cold, or Influenza.

Case 2: A chronic Bronchitis and Bronchiectasis are treated to get a stable condition Mr G B, who is 49 years old of IT consultant, appears the Chest infection for a few of times during a year for ages due to a lung operation was done when he was in his teenage. He turns to see Dr Jiang for herbal medicine to avoid too much antibiotics to take.

When he visited Dr Jiang in the first time, he was fever, chilly, cough with yellow phlegm which some blood mixed in it, and chest pain for near two weeks, but he did take a course of antibiotics already and didn’t want to keep taking it. A mixed of anti-virus and anti-infective herbal prescription was give in a decoction form and acupuncture treatment.  After two weeks, his fever, cough and yellow phlegm are disappeared, he felt good in everywhere. So he was given herbal pills to continue to treat the fibrosis in his lung. Sine then, he has become not cold or flu sufferer easily. But if he suffers from a cold, or Flu, he comes to take herbs and acupuncture to control it.

Reference: A report from Sheffield Telegraph: Traditional Herbs Bar a Virus

A report from Sheffield Graphevine: Dr Jiang explains Cold Flu in Sheffield Graphevine


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