Case 3 - Lady with Immune infertility met labored a baby girl from protected embryo by TCM treatment
Mrs. CC and MR AC a 27 year old female sport trainer and a 32 years old IT technician couple, Mrs CC couldn’t conceive after living with her partner for 8 years. She was given a diagnosis of immune infertility, which means she possessed the positive antibody in her cervix which was against the sperm of her partner when she visited Infertility expert. They were told IVF was the only available way to result in pregnancy for them. They were in the waiting list for their IVF, and during this time she came to me and wanted to try TCM to see whether it can supply a miracle result. Current figures: quite fit as a spot trainer with regular menstrual circles, only minor depression. Light red tongue with thin white coating and wiry pulse. Diagnosis of Conventional western medicine: Immune Infertility Differentiation of syndrome by TCM: Liver Qi stagnation and Spleen deficiency.
Du20 (Baihui), Gb20 (Fengchi), Ren4 (Guanyuan), Ren6 (Qihai) Sp9 (Yinlingquan), Sp6 (Sanyinjiao), St 36 (Zusanli), Sj5 (Waiguan), Gb41 (Zulinqi)
Patent herbal medicine:
Jiaweixiaoyao pills [5] and Buzhongyiqi Pills [6].
Above acupuncture was given once per week for a month, then once for two weeks; Patent herbs were taken twice daily.
Her husband Mr. AC was found lower activity in his sperm, was give Chinese herbal medicine for promoting the quality of his sperm: Jiaweixiaoyao Pills [5] and Wuziyanzong Pills [7].
Result: when Mrs. C got pregnant naturally, this couple was very excited, but she experienced a vaginal bleeding when she was the 6th week of pregnancy. Due to light spotty blood and some pregnancy symptoms she suffered, I had to continue my treatment for miscarriage prevention.
A regular acupuncture and patent herbal medicine: Xiangshayangwei Pills [8] and Jinkuishenqi Pills [4] were given to her until the 12th of weeks of her pregnancy. She labored a baby girl in the full term.
For full report please read:
Jiang, D. (2018). Protecting Embryo with Chinese Herbal Medicine for Treating Habitual Miscarriages ----- 4 Cases Study Enclosed, Perceptions in Reproductive Medicine (PRM), Jan 2018. Crimson Publishers